Friendship Quilt
This quilt was to commemorate the HB Club dated 12/18/1930. Each block lists those in the club and are as follows: Lizzy Degenhart, Anna Burt, Ada Harms, Clara Sharp, Lydia Ross, Ollis Crockett, Hattie Sharples, Nora Gager, Esther Haws, Dora Graham, Doratha Galbreath, Agnes Zugmier, Retta Cleaver, Maggie Osburn, Silvia Knoles, Goldie Henderson, Fern Irene Galbreath, Buelah Osburn, Lydia Volkmann, Cleone Hunt, Ruth Burt, Rose Volkmann, Alice Galbreath, Alira McNaught, Bernice Shaffer, Doll McFarland, Alta Zugmier, Laura Williamson, Ethel Hunt. Scalloped shingle quilting 69 1/2 x 83 1/2 30 Blocks
99 blocks 66 3/4 x 76"
hand quilted
18 plates 69 x 78 1/2"